Tuesday, May 19, 2015


When I found several peony plants in the gardens of Country Mill Colonial last fall, I was excited--
and so eager to know what colour they would be!

Here they are so far in all their showy beauty and fragrance.There are still two plants with tightly closed buds, but I'm pretty thrilled with the blooms I have already!

In several vases and pitchers around the house, these peonies are making me smile!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

First fruits

Here at Country Mill Colonial we have a variety of fruit bushes and trees, though some have been rather neglected, since our home was unoccupied for a time before we bought it.

The first fruit harvest of the year has been strawberries. We're excited to have our own berries! We're also learning as we go, and trying to figure out which kind of bug is attempting to eat half our crop just as it ripens on the plants!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Ladies' Tea

On the first Saturday of May, we had a ladies' tea with some of the mothers and their little daughters from our church. It was a lovely, relaxing afternoon, and a good reason to put my teacups to use!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pansies and Irises

My front garden is giving me the most delightful surprises. This week it's been lovely Dutch iris. Earlier this spring I planted purple pansies, and combining those with the irises and a bunch of wild buttercups makes for a very cheery display. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I've decided to begin a blog entirely about the beautiful aspects of making my house into a home. My family and I have been in this home for nine months (since August 2014) and I'm beginning to get an idea of what needs tweaking here and there, and what suits us just right. I love making my home a bright, welcoming place, and lending it a little charm with antique things and fresh flowers. And as the warmth of spring and summer arrive, I'm delighting in finding out exactly what is growing in the gardens surrounding Country Mill Colonial. I'm pleased to have you along for this adventure!

~Anita of Country Mill Colonial